"Our" Neo Tango is still based on the traditional tango patterns, keeps looking for that through-and-around connection, asks for a lively embrace, invites you to its dynamics and creativity, flexible in mind, and brings an exciting co-creative version and the possibility to a unique version to all. From small to medium tango experience and very advanced too: for everybody that wants to get to know this side of the tango, ready for (a new) adventure. Check the dates below and send us a mail to subscribe: neotango@tangoalegre.be.
Love to meet you here!
Fri+Sat+Sun 14-15-16/FEB --18-19-20/APR
You can take all parts seperately
Mini-seminar p.part 30 €
Feldenkrais 25 € /12 €
Meant for
Small to Medium to very Advanced. Also for everybody who likes to learn about Neotango tools and/or to dance more expressively.
15:00-17:00 Feldenkrais body awareness
18:30-21:00 Neo Mini-seminar part II
21:00-02:00 Saturday's Neo Night
11:30-12:30 Feldenkrais for tango
13:00-15:30 Workshop Neo INTO tango
With Bennie Bartels & Astrid Maria Cerpentier as your guides, in the Neotango mini-seminar we explore principles & techniques: those more often used in neotango, but definitely applicable and enriching for the more traditional version.
Every edition they bring a new theme, hands-on usable movements and steps, conveyed in a playful way, aiming to find a more contemporary, expressive and connected tango.
To subscribe
Please, send a mail to neotango@tangoalegre.be. We have a maximum of 10 couples per workshop.
20:00-22:30 Neo Mini-seminar part I
22:30-00:30 Friday's Neo Practica