
More than about passion, Argentine tango is about communication. It’s a dialogue without words between two dancers, as simple as taking steps, and at the same time captivating due to the improvisation on the spot. One dancer takes the lead in direction, the other in interpretation. And with this modern take on tango, we arrive at a contemporary and playful version of a 100-year-old dance.

Argentine tango dance class Astrid Antwerpen

Tango Medium & Most Advanced -- classes on Wednesday

Tango dance classes more advanced Antwerpen

Meant for

Those dancing +6md to +3 years of tango, small to medium level & most advanced

To subscribe

Which concepts lie at the basis vof this dance, and how can we use them to create more our "own tango"? In these classes we focus on the elements we can use to create a contemporary, unique,  improvised tango with variety.

Classes for everybody who likes that bit of "more" in tango, and for those who feel like diving into this dance adventure..


6 classes /9 hours: 110 €
Medium+Most = +6€

-26 years: -20%


Start on Wed 22/JAN at 20:00
Medium Advanced from 20:00 - 21:30

Most Advanced from 21:30 - 22:30

Send your mail to: to make sure you can join us.

All dates

18 Wednesdays until 18/JUN -- NO classes on: 19/FEB - xx/xx (Practica) tba.

Private classes or Private workshops

Private individual dance classes tango Astrid Antwerpen

Meant for

Everyone who'd like to learn tango, followers, leaders or couples.
Also if you are looking for a choreography.

  • You would like to learn the Argentinse tango, but you cannot or prefer not to join group classes?
  • You would like to work on your personal tango style, specific movements, dance structures, posture, attitude?
  • Looking for extra classes to make a better and faster progress?
  • You're visiting Antwerp and you would like to spoil yourself with a private tango class?
  • A choreography for a special occasion maybe?

To book a class


1 class of 1 hour: 60 €

3 classes (à 1 hour): 150€

Tango voor Beginners -- lessen tba. in april 2025

Wil je graag Argentijnse tango leren dansen met veel aandacht voor beweging, creativiteit en een vleugje humor? Dan zijn deze lessen vast iets voor jou!

Voor deze lessen heb je geen danservaring nodig. Wij leren je de basis van de tango in een pakket van 9 lesuren. Per twee leren we en creëren we deze dans, een embodied learning in connectie en communicatie. Op WOENSDAG en/of ZONDAG.


Proefles ?? APRIL 2025
Lessen op woensdag van 19:30 tot 20:30

Lessen op zondag van 13:00 tot 15:00



110 € voor 9 lesuren

jongeren: -20%

Eerste les is gratis

Tango dansles Beginners Antwerpen

Bedoeld voor

Absolute beginners, herbeginners, iedereen die van rol wil wisselen (leider/volger), basistechniek wil bijschaven. Breng iemand mee of kom alleen.

Stuur een mail naar om met je eerste lessen tango te beginnen!

Alle data



Tango Fundamentals -- classes tba.

For those that already have started: we continue our Tango Fundamentals on Sunday. Sunday classes are perfect for deepening your technique and easily combinable with Tango for Beginners or Tango Medium & More.

We focus on small sequences, basic movements in tango, fundamental principles and of course musicality. We also like to address your question in Sunday classes.


Starts on tba.

Classes on tba.


120 € for 6 classes

-26 years: -20%

To subsrcibe

Tango for Beginners dance classes Antwerpen

Meant for

Beginners Plus, re-beginners, those who'd like to change roles (leader /follower), those who'd like to learn more Fundamental techniques.

Send your mail to: to join one of our groups!

All dates

Tango Fundamentals on tba.